Automatic classification ======================== ## EXERCISE: Basic classification Go to the [basic-classification]( folder and follow the instructions in the README.txt ## EXERCISE: Classification using Unions (Optional) Optional additional exercise if time permits: Go to [taxon-union](taxon-union) folder This introduces classification using “or” and “not” ### Futher reading [owl primer - advanced class relationships](]) ## Introduction to property axioms ### Property heirarchy: ![image]( Navigate to 'occurs in' (object property tab) in Protege to see this. ## Excercise: * make a git branch of the go-ontology repo * open go-edit.obo in Protege * GO has the class 'regulation of cvt pathway' ![image]( * Create a new class, using the same pattern, for 'negative regulation of cvt pathway' (Hint - you can use duplicate to do this, editing the newly created class). * Run the reasoner. Do you understand the inferred classifications? (Use the explanation plugin to check). ### Property chains: ![image]( Navigate to 'occurs in' (object property tab) in Protege to see this. ### EXERCISE: transport & property chains Go to the [transport property chain exercise]( folder and follow the instructions in the README